Julius caesar shakespeare made easy
Julius caesar shakespeare made easy

julius caesar shakespeare made easy

The following year he was appointed governor of Roman Gaul where he stayed for eight years, adding the whole of modern France and Belgium to the Roman empire, and making Rome safe from the possibility of Gallic invasions. Back in Rome in 60, Caesar made a pact with Pompey and Crassus, who helped him to get elected as consul for 59 BC. In 61-60 BC he served as governor of the Roman province of Spain.

julius caesar shakespeare made easy

Caesar himself progressed within the Roman political system, becoming in succession quaestor (69), aedile (65) and praetor (62). His family were closely connected with the Marian faction in Roman politics. Julius Caesar was born in Rome on 12 or 13 July 100 BC into the prestigious Julian clan.

julius caesar shakespeare made easy

© Caesar was a politician and general of the late Roman republic, who greatly extended the Roman empire before seizing power and making himself dictator of Rome, paving the way for the imperial system.

Julius caesar shakespeare made easy